The Zodiac Clan: By CACTO

September 29 - October 27, 2024
GOOD AESTHETIC GALLERY proudly presents The Zodiac Clan. This online exhibition by artist and world creator, CACTO, is explored through a studious lens. The Zodiac Clan is a guild of mercenaries hand-picked by a group of celestial beings, known as the "Overgods." 
GOOD AESTHETIC GALLERY proudly presents The Zodiac Clan. This online exhibition by artist and world creator, CACTO, is explored through a studious lens. The Zodiac Clan is a guild of mercenaries hand-picked by a group of celestial beings, known as the "Overgods", for use as a regulatory force in the war between Deaths and Evergods. Often tasked with eliminating hereticsand guiding malleable souls to the realm of eternal life, each member carries out and executestheir duties with unique skill and precision.